New Live View from the Falcon’s Nest at the KGHM Glogow, 2012

Written by: Administrator

On Saturday, April 28, 2012 a new video camera was set up on-line, presenting the view of the nest of wild falcons that settled at KGHM Glogow. The birds have used the nest since 2009. Last year, the KGHM Management decided to install video cameras. At present, only one camera, inside the nest box, is operational. But soon we will set up a view at the nest ledge.

The internet address for the camera:


The nest assembly and camera set up was fully financed by KGHM, with the expert support of our Society.

On Monday, April 30, 2012 we will announce the contest to choose the names for the adult falcons.

More information about the nest in Glogow can be found in the Chronicle of the Nest and at our Forum, the topic concerned with this site. Under the live camera view there will be information regarding any further contests.

Enjoy the show.